10 Water Saving Tips

“Water is the vehicle of nature” – even in the 15th century, Leonardo Da Vinci recognised the importance of H2O. Our contemporary culture, however, has a degree of unfounded complacency in regards to clean water – we turn a tap and anticipate an endless cascade of fresh liquid; in actuality, sanitary water is a limited resource.

Water Shortage on a ‘Blue Planet’

The process of water filtration is energy-intensive and detrimental to our planet.  The various steps of this procedure (extraction, transportation, filtration, etc.) require non-renewable fossil fuels and as these become depleted – harmful by-products, such as carbon dioxide, build up in the Earth’s atmosphere – contributing to global warming.

In the advent of climate change, droughts are becoming commonplace; thus transforming our resource of fresh water – which is only 3% of our planet’s supply – into an incredibly precious commodity.  Our population is suspected to increase by 2 billion in the next 30 years – by 2050, it’s anticipated that some 52% will live in water stressed regions. 

The over-utilisation of freshwater within a household environment, also has the potential to instigate food shortages. Every time we needlessly run the tap; we are limiting the amount of H2O that can be employed in agriculture. Being that water is the matrix of life itself, we must learn how to keep this finite supply pure; the key is conservation.

Our Top Tips

1. Take a shorter shower! On average, a shower uses about 40 litres of water per minute. Even though this is about half the volume of a standard bath; there are still further efforts we can take to be more conscientious of our water consumption. Purchasing an aerate shower head – a device which combines water and air – or inserting a regulator puts an upper limit on flow rates.

2. Whilst brushing your teeth – turn off the tap! By simply doing this, you can save 6 litres per minute!

3. Check your property regularly for leaks. A mere dripping tap can waste 15 litres of water a day – that’s 5,500 litres a year! If observed; fix these issues as soon as you can!

4. Use a water-saving appliance in your toilet cistern. A third of all water we use goes down the loo; hence why devices such as the “Hippo” are fantastic. These allow you to save up to 3 litres of water at every flush!

5. “If it’s yellow, let it mellow” – as former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone stated; “there is no earthly reason that you need to flush the loo if you have merely urinated.”

6. Install a water butt to your drain pipe – these can store up to 200 litres of water and can collect around 5,000 litres a year; perfect for watering your plants, cleaning your car and washing windows!

7. Use a watering can instead of a hosepipe! The latterly mentioned garden tool can use up to 1,000 litres of water per hour. By switching to a can, using the supply accumulated by a water butt; you can maintain a healthy garden, whilst regulating your consumption. Mulching your plants with bark chippings, heavy compost or straw, is also a great in reducing evaporation.

8. Fill a jug with water and keep it in your fridge! This is perfect for whenever you want a cool drink.

9. Get a water meter! When your water usage is laid out in an itemised bill – it helps provide an incentive to waste less!

10. Fully load your washing machine or dishwasher before turning it on! Get everything done in one go – eliminate those unnecessary small washes! Investing in new equipment is also another top tip; modern washing machines can use less than 7 litres for each kilogramme of clothes – whilst modern dishwashers can use as little as 10 to 15 litres per cycle!

Save Water – Save The Planet!

By conserving our supply of water, we can eradicate the various wasteful practices that are prevalent in modern society. By reforming our attitude, we can benefit also plants and wildlife – excessive utilisation, causes vast quantities of water to divert from aquatic environments.

At eco WMT, our environmental product harnesses natural bacteria to consume various pollutants; the ultimate mission is to provide sanitised water for all.
